Throughout the lockdown period routine inspections of Houses in Multiple Occupation by this Local Authority were suspended. However in line with recent Government Guidance we now intend to resume these inspections and have a duty to do so to ensure the safety of the occupiers.
Arrangements will be made with landlords, agents and tenants to ensure that the inspection is undertaken in a Covid safe way. To achieve this your full co-operation would be appreciated.
Where possible the following precautions will be undertaken:
If there is anyone in the property who is currently self-isolating due to Covid 19 symptoms, or shielding due to their vulnerability, we will make alternative arrangements.
Social distancing requirements.
Ideally this would be achieved by the tenants vacating the property for the duration of the inspection.
All windows are to be opened prior to and for the duration of the inspection.
All internal doors within property to be unlocked and if possible left on the latch so they can be opened easily. Inspecting officers will wear gloves and any surface touched by the officer will be sanitised before they leave the property.
To minimise the length of time spent in the property, any discussions regarding the visit or other related matters will be held outside of the property, before and/or after the inspection.